About Me

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Who is Mariam Zinn? Mariam Has been working with Seniors scene 1986, started as a nursing assistant in a convalescent center as a high school student, from there Mariam Has had the opportunity to expand her education and training thru UW Nursing continuing education, Everett Community College: Medical Assistant and E.M.T. courses and Washington State DSHS curriculum. Currently she’s a direct care provider, she owns P.A.T.H.S. Adult Family Home & Respite and is a licensed and Registered Residential care provider, is a MA, NAC, Certified in Geriatrics, Residential administration, Dementia & Diabetes, she is a former register counselor and Emergence medical technique, has volunteered at the American Red Cross, has clinical experience in family practice, infectious disease and Geriatrics.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

PATHS Adult family home & Respite, by Mariam Zinn: Don't be RUDE- we are on the same team

PATHS Adult family home & Respite, by Mariam Zinn: Don't be RUDE- we are on the same team

Don't be RUDE- we are on the same team

There is no excuse to be RUDE.
we are on the same team.

after a family called for placement of their loved one, I met with them in hospital. I made sure we could meet the needs of their loved one so I proceeded to contact Discharge Planner.

I was shocked at the way I was received. She brushed by me A fellow professional and went to family, stated they would use a placement referral agency to ensure proper matching. I saw the looks on the families face they were puzzled. This planner explained further this will ensure a proper match of needs.

 A Family Member spoke up; we choose this place (meaning our AFH) It was recommended to us by a close friend who had their mother there for years, and our family doctor likes the place as well.

The family insisted that planner share records.

All I could think was what the heck was up with this? have I offend this person in some way? I have never meet her before.

So I asked, Have I offended you in some way? She was very rude, she stated, I don't usually work with "VENDERS" Directly.  we sue placement agencies and she named three I am familiar with.

I explained to her I understand that is more comfortable to you; however do you realize that they will in-turn contact me directly not knowing if we can or can not truly care for this persons needs. they may be very well meaning but all they know about us is if we have a license, if there is disciplinary actions and if a home is willing to pay a fee to them for placement. this fee is 100% for care cost for a month.

The basis of lowest expectation seemed to apply here. after we spoke for a few minutes about the system I realized this person who makes decisions simply had BAD INFORMATION. She was so ruffled due to the fact she had preconceived ideas of AFH'S vs SNF and further more that the people such as my self were bottom feeders looking for scraps. I asked to look us up on the internet www.paths-afh.com  

By the end of our conversation I think we both felt more comfortable. She was able to look past what she had thought and perhaps I hope she will take the information I have given her and apply it forward.

She was simply defensive about what she had heard about our industry, she shared with me that she had thought that the placement system was safer through an agency.

To me this was a good day, We are on the same team I explained more than once, I was able to educate someone about what we can offer, perhaps she will share that with others.